How long will my order take?

It all varies depending on where it is being shipped. As mentioned on our shipping and return page, we set deadlines for customers to order. THIS DOES NOT MEAN OUR STORE CLOSES ON THESE DATES. It is to help process bulk orders easier with the limited staff members while making sure your orders are given to you guys and a well processed. It usually takes 2-3 weeks from the deadline date for orders to be on your doorstep. Any delays will be posted to keep you guys aware. Tracking numbers will be provided via email that you provide us with when purchasing.

What are drop dates?

Drop dates are deadline dates to order pre order merchandise from our store. Once it hits the day of the deadline. We start processing the orders and shipping them out by 1-3 weeks. (Ex Drop Date Nov 22nd = will arrive to you from Nov 25-Dec 5). However, it does not mean you have to wait for the drop date to order. The earlier the buy to better due to high demand.

How should I wash and care my Cherry Troop products?

We recommend that you wash your clothes in cold water or inside out before washing.